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Re: Eclair ACL light leaks and mag maintenance

----- Original Message -----
From: <cinesota@yahoo.com>
To: <EclairACL@topica.com>
Sent: Friday, April 19, 2002 4:35 PM
Subject: Eclair ACL light leaks and mag maintenance

Second, check the O-ring seal around the pressure plate.  Every 200' mag
I own had dried out, cracked seals.  I don't know if this will
contribute to light leak but it can't help things.  I found some
off-the-shelf O-rings at the local hardware store that I was able to fit
into the groove around the pressure plate.  Getting it in there is
tricky.  I have posted on this subject before.  If anyone is interested
in the size I used or how I got it to work, let me know and I will dig
up my original posting.  Others have found different methods for fixing
this problem.


I was curious about the function of those rings, and I asked George Zorzoli
at Electro House.
He said that they have no function as far as light baffling, and added
contemptuously that they always flatten out after 20 or thirty uses. He said
that they were intended to eliminate metal-to-metal contact at the junction
of the magazine neck and gate throat.

Still, I'm with you on the desire to have functional O-rings.
Let's have the specs.

This email was sent to: elroro@propagandaindustries.org

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